The system supports the following data types within Tables. There are not just the "traditional" datatypes like 'Text' and 'Integer', but also larger types like 'File', which accepts an uploaded file, and functionally-loaded ones like 'Product family' and 'Shipping Band'. The most complex of all is probably the 'Record Link' datatype, which allows you to reference data in another Form, and has a wealth of options controlling the way in which data is loaded and displayed. Read-only datatypes If included in a Table, these fields will be automatically filled-in by the system, and their values cannot be manually changed. Record ID | Contains a system-generated unique reference for the record | Username | Identifies the user who created the record | Created | The date when the record was created* | Updated | The date when the record was last updated | Updated by | The user who last updated the record | View Code | A unique hash, or password, which can be used to permit a user to view the record | Edit Code | A unique hash, or password, which can be used to permit a user to view and edit the record | Creation Site Referer | The page the user who created the record came from when they visited the site* | Creation Page Referer | The page the user who created the record came from immediatley prior to hitting the Form page | Creation IP Address | The IP address of the user who created the record* |
* When fields (marked * in the above) are edited and 'Save as new record' is chosen, the new record will either be given the values from the original record, or take on new values relevant to the current circumstances. This behavior is selectable in the Edit Table, field configuration dialogs (acessed from the floating-toolbox of the Table). Full list of datatypes |