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Data Entry mode and Edit mode 

The Table component has two modes, accessible from the Toolbox:

  • 'View' mode
  • 'Configure' mode

When you browse to the component you are initially in View mode. If you are logged in with sufficient permission you can use the Toolbox to switch to Configure mode.

View mode

This provides the normal view of the Table. Typically, users will see a list of existing records in the Table, with options for editing existing records, deleting them, or adding new ones.

Configure mode

This provides the configuration screens that allow you to define the fields in the Table and the Events that get triggered when a record is added or edited.

Data Entry Form
The View Table mode is a built-in Data Entry Form, automatically tied to the Table. Additional Data Entry Form components can be added to the site, and associated with the Table.

Construction advice
Using discrete Data Entry Form components is the preferred way to have users and visitors introduce data to tables. Data Entry Forms (DEF) are fully configurable and give precise control over how input forms are displayed.

Whilst it might seem that one Data Entry Form is sufficient per Table, the provision of several Data Entry Forms tied to the same Table provide additional flexibility, for example:

  • Allowing visitors to fill in one Data Entry Form, whilst Administrators can write notes in extra fields about the visitors' submissions, and check a box to allow the display of the record contents elsewhere on the site (ie moderation)
  • Breaking a long form into several stages, or pages, to make it appear less daunting.
  • To provide 'premium' users with a more sophisticated form - for example in a social networking site, to allow them to have a more detailed profile
  • To provide 'beginner' users with an easier, shorter, form, to encourage usage.

Behavior Editor

The Behavior Editor settings accessed from the Floating Toolbox enable you to configure the default behavior: Edit mode or Configure Mode 

The Behavior Editor also provides numerous other settings to customize Table behavior.

Managing data