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Site Manager 

Site Manager

The Site Manager is part of the website hosting system provided by neatComponents: it offers the Administator a tree view of the websites hosted on the system.

Child Sites

The Child Sites system enables you to create a new child site and assign it to a 'Customer'. Each Child Site may then own an unlimited number of sites, each one fully independent of any other site - with its own log-in system, user-groups and content management. The Site Creator component allows resellers to let clients self-serve a new 'child site' automatically.

The Child Sites part of the tree is integrated with a User Manager. The User Manager enables you to create new User or'Customer' - either real independent companies, or departments of your organization, or any other division of user that you wish. Each Customer has independent Accounting and Billing controlled by the Accounts manager and assigned Charging Plan


The individual site controls allow you to select and assign Charging Plans, and set an overall expiry date for the website if you wish. You may also assign an address to send copy accounts and warning email to that refer to the website (See 'Metering & Billing'). The Website controls also allow you to set the Web Server parameters, for the default page that is served by the site, the IP address and Port that the site is being served from, and the Doamin Name that the site listens on.

neatComponents is all about creating websites for resale. The full neatComponents license includes a website resale and an integrated accounts system that provides you with a number of tools to make managing your customers as easy as possible.    

Executive summary

In Brief:
Host and Manage Websites

Site hosting manager
Offers the Administator a tree view of the websites hosted on the system -  read more ...

Template Creator
Provides the ability to create a template from any given website -  read more ...

Automatic Metering
The system monitors usage of all your websites, by page-hit or data transfer -  read more ...

Automatic billing services
Make it easy for you to, charge your users, provide online accounts views & collect money -  read more ...