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Private Cloud creation 

Host and Manage Websites: Multi-site Management

Manage wesitesA complete management system for Private Cloud creation.
You can host multiple websites, listen on multiple domains, copy whole sites, create your own templates and offer them to customers. Charge for hosting on a monthly, bandwith or page-hit basis. Accept payment by credit card. Each website is independent and has a complete Content Management System.  

If you're running more than a handful of sites, you'll appreciate the facilities within the neatComponents system that take care of the admin side of your business. Designed to save you time (and reduce the need to employ more people) these functions take care of billing and revenue collection, along with more involved client management tasks, allowing you to concentrate on the creative aspects.


Become a SaaS Provider by offering Premium Web-hosting - Not just a 'bare bones service'.

neatComponents provides a hosting environment for all your customers' websites.  SaaS - Software as a Service - means that you provide them with website hosting and complete Content management system delivered as a hosted service. The flexibility of neatComponents means that you can offer clients the flexibility they need to reflect their changing business dynamics, whilst relieving them of the burden of hosting and software management. High levels of security and tight user-controls within neatComponents make it simple to manage multiple independent customers on a single server.

Your customers get the benefit of a world-class CMS website, and you get the benefit of an ongoing income stream for the hosting and service provision. neatComponents can be used for:

  • Business Process Management
  • Collaboration Management
  • Content Security
  • Digital Asset Management
  • Document Management
  • Enterprise Report Management
  • Records Management
  • Web Content Management 
  • Enterprise Content Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Corporate Intranets
  • Extranets

neatComponents removes all the complexity of setting up new sites and hosting them. Simply 'Create Site' and then set the domain name and IP address, and you're done. The system also looks after the usage and billing for you automatically, so you can concentrate on building your business.

Modern Internet connections mean that most neatComponents systems can be hosted on a server right in your office using a standard commmercial Internet connection - and for larger, traffic intensive situations, you can simply co-locate or use a dedicated server at a data-house.

neatComponents provides you with a comprehensive set of controls for managing your website building, hosting and billing.

Executive summary

In Brief:
Private Cloud creation
Host and Manage Websites

Site hosting manager
Offers the Administator a tree view of the websites hosted on the system -  read more ...

Template Creator
Provides the ability to create a template from any given website -  read more ...

Automatic Metering
The system monitors usage of all your websites, by page-hit or data transfer -  read more ...

Automatic billing services
Make it easy for you to, charge your users, provide online accounts views & collect money -  read more ...