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Automatic metering 

Automatic metering

neatComponents  has a powerful accounts module to make it easy for you to:

  • charge your users, 
  • provide online accounts views
  • collect money.

Charging Plans

Charging Plans are provided with a Credit Limit, Start-up Charge and Monthly Fixed charge. In addition, sites can be charged on a Usage basis - by page-hits, by MB or by GB per month. There can be multiple charge bands, with differing unit prices, to allow for automatic discounted payment structures. Charging Plans may also be set on a Site Specific basis with an automatic replacement after a set number of days, and a Plan can be replaced with another Replacement Plan on a Blanket basis. The system allows you to define as many charging plans as you wish, based on a number of different factors. Charges can range from Free to fixed monthly charges, to charges per page hit (in multiple bands) or overall usage (MB of data transfered per month). 

Accounts Console

An Accounts Console gives a birds-eye view of your business with a Summary of all Accounts by Month, showing the individual account Status with Invoices, Payments and Balance figures - all automatically generated and tied into an online payment system. neatComponents e-commerce engine hooks in to the standard online payment systems provided by credit card companies, banks and PayPal so payments are placed directly into your own account.

The system monitors usage of all your websites. The Billing System lets you create an unlimited number of Charging Plans to be assigned to customer accounts. Each Charging Plan has a comprehensive range of settings to allow for almost all circumstances. All charges are adjustable and the system is multi-currancy aware.

Executive summary

In Brief:
Host and Manage Websites

Site hosting manager
Offers the Administator a tree view of the websites hosted on the system -  read more ...

Template Creator
Provides the ability to create a template from any given website -  read more ...

Automatic Metering
The system monitors usage of all your websites, by page-hit or data transfer -  read more ...

Automatic billing services
Make it easy for you to, charge your users, provide online accounts views & collect money -  read more ...