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Automatic billing services 

Automatic billing services

Accounts View

The Accounts System uses a constantly updated algorithm to give the best forward estimate of usage for sites that are being charged on a bandwidth usage basis. These usage-prediction algorithms are used to warn your customers when their accounts are running low on credit, and the system will automatically manage site suspension with warnings and display boards if necessary.


Automatic Credit Control

neatComponents provides each of your clients with their own Account, that shows invoices and payments for their site, together with any other charges that you need to make. The Account manages online payments, credit limits, and emails the client if they need to make payments. If necessary, it can even suspend their sites should they exceed their credit limit. Billing can be by page-hits, bandwidth or time. Fully customizable Warning and Suspension emails are generated by the Accounts Manager to warn customers 7 Days before their account will suspend due to insufficient funds. The system sends a second warning 1 Day before suspension and then send a Suspension notice when the website stops being served.

An 'Upstream Suspended Email' can also be configured. neatComponents provides full page by page hit recording for every site. The Accounts Console also provides a Summary by Account, with reports on Days to Suspension, Warning Status and Account Balance. Payments may be received automatically by credit card or manually entered from by checks or cash. 

Executive summary

In Brief:
Host and Manage Websites

Site hosting manager
Offers the Administator a tree view of the websites hosted on the system -  read more ...

Template Creator
Provides the ability to create a template from any given website -  read more ...

Automatic Metering
The system monitors usage of all your websites, by page-hit or data transfer -  read more ...

Automatic billing services
Make it easy for you to, charge your users, provide online accounts views & collect money -  read more ...