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The fundamental point of using neatComponents is to increase your profitability by making it easy to do things which are otherwise difficult. It is not that nC enables you to something which is otherwise impossible, it is that it makes it profitable ... and that's the difference between making websites as a hobby and as a business.

neatComponents - nC - has been created to solve all of the problems of commercial website developers from website hosting through database management to content managed websites, in an integrated way that removes the need for highly trained programmers or database administrators.

For website design companies

neatComponents makes the ideal platform for all website developers: from the smallest to the largest organization.

An individual starting a web design business
A professional web designer wishing to grow the business
An established web design house wanting to expand and save costs

neatComponents provides all the website building tools and website hosting services that you will need. You will not need to employ additional staff for 'back-office' database support and maintenance.

Think you don't need neatComponents ?   Find out here why you are wrong
You will have a fully re-brandable system ready to go - with almost no roll out cost, no matter how many employees you have. You can concentrate on selling new sites and more sophisticated sites without worrying about how you are going to fulfill your commitments.

For Corporate users

Build virtual-teams - staff can work from their present locations or even from home as efficiently as they can from your offices. neatComponents saves licensing, updating and patching multiple copies of  conventional website editing software.

Read more about corporate use:

neatComponents for corporate teams, Intranets and Extranets

For Software Resellers - VARs and Saas Providers


License Bundling
neatComponents offers attractive resale discounts to Value Added Resellers who want to bundle neatComponents with hardware (server and networking) sales to create complete installations. In the ever more competitive hardware business being able to include the high level functionality that neatComponents provides will give a significant sales advantage.

Website Hosting - Unlimited domains: just one license
Fully re-brandable   Low start-up cost  Complete hosting system


Offer SaaS (software-as-a-service) by providing neatComponents to web designers in your area. Their websites hosted on your server. Full usage metering, automatic billing and credit control.

Resell your own brand of hosted content managed websites - set your own pricing.

For more information please visit 'Reseller Opportunities'


Executive summary

Website Designer or
Service Provider

Build websites with full content management, forms, email integration and data-driven pages, including catalogs and payment systems without any programming.

Host your websites, copy whole sites, create your own house-templates and have a fully automatic billing system to charge your customers.

For Software Resellers - VARs and Saas Providers

License Bundling - bundle neatComponents with hardware (server and networking) sales

Website Hosting - Unlimited domains: just one license Fully re-brandable   Low start-up cost  Complete hosting system

Offer SaaS (software-as-a-service) by providing neatComponents to web designers in your area. Full usage metering, automatic billing and credit control.

Resell your own brand of hosted content managed websites - set your own pricing.

will transform your business